Please consider joining an IFCA section listed below Join an IFCA Section (Email the IFCA office of interest and arrange for payment of Section dues) Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Section $25.00 The scope of this section is to specifically address EMS issues that affect or impact the Indiana Fire Service or other applicable organizations represented by the IFCA. The purpose of the section is to provide input and direction on EMS issues on behalf of the Indiana Fire Service or other applicable organizations represented by the IFCA. The duties of this section are to review EMS related issues from around the state, solicit input from the Indiana Fire Service and other applicable organizations on these issues and provide the IFCA recommendations on how to enhance these plans, laws, or applicable documents, etc. Another duty is to interact with the EMS Commission and keep the IFCA informed on any related EMS concerns.
Mutual Aid Section The scope of this section is to specifically address Mutual Aid Initiatives and tissues that affect or impact the Indiana Fire Service or other applicable organizations represented by the IFCA. The purpose of the section is to provide input and direction on Mutual Aid issues on behalf of the Indiana Fire Service, or other applicable organizations represented by the IFCA. The duties of this section are to collect and analyze data related to mutual aid assistance around the state, solicit input from the Indiana Fire Service and other applicable organizations on these issues and provide the IFCA recommendations on how to enhance these plans, laws, or applicable documents, etc. In addition, the IFCA Mutual Aid Section interacts with the State Emergency Operations Center as the ESF 4 and advises the IFCA on any related mutual aid concerns. The IFCA Mutual Aid Section works to coordinate the various mutual aid initiatives within the State of Indiana, including the Mid America Mutual Aid Consortium (MAMA-C), Mutual Aid Box System (MABAS), and the Indiana Mutual Aid Response Plan (IMARP). In addition, the Section coordinates the efforts in regard to the Technical Rescue, Hazardous Materials, and Mass Casualty response in Indiana.
Public Safety Educators Section $25.00 Engage and educate the public and media on fire and life safety issues. One of the primary benefits of an IFCA membership is the additional information sharing that can happen in facilitated forums. IFCA continues this tradition by establishing methods of disseminating information and informational resources to the fire service, media, and public in an effective manner, both during crisis and in day-to-day prevention efforts. IFCA also aims to establish public safety educators in both Districts and Counties and develop a fire service relationship with the media so that all parties are appropriately educated prior to and during an event.
Technical Rescue Section $25.00 Enhance current and future technical rescue capabilities in the state. The purpose of the Indiana Technical Rescue Section is to develop a statewide technical rescue response system that would be developed as an extension of local response capabilities. This would include District Task Force capability that would focus on the overwhelming impact of an event that traps or buries persons in structures as a result of a natural (tornado, earthquake, snow-load collapse, etc.) or man-made (explosion, terrorism, etc.) situation. The response of such a resource would supplement a local fire department response and operate under their command within the established ICS.